organizational structure
Article 1: General Meeting of Members
1.1 The alliance shall set up members assembly, at least once every 2-3 years.
1.2 成员大会由全体成员组成,每个成员单位应至少指定一位代表参加。
1.2 The General Meeting of Members shall consist of all members and each member unit shall appoint at least one representative to attend.
Article 2: General Meeting of Members
2.1 The alliance has a Standing Council, which is the decision-making body, with a five-year term of office and a mechanism for co-option and withdrawal.
2.2 Standing council shall actively promote friendly cooperation among members and organize relevant exchange activities.
2.3 Standing council shall be responsible for formulating and amending the constitution of association through consultation.
2.4 Standing council advises and coordinates the work of the secretariat.
2.5 常务理事会至少每年举办一次,轮流由各理事单位举办。
2.5 The standing council will be held at least once a year, on a rotating basis by each council member.
2.6 首届常务理事会由为“丝体联”创建发挥重要作用的成员机构组成。
2.6 First standing council shall be composed of alliance member that play an important role in the creation of the alliance.
Article 3: President unit of Alliance and the vice-president unit of Alliance
3.1 The alliance shall have a president unit and several vice-president units.
3.2 理事长、副理事长单位由常务理事会推荐,超过2/3的常务理事会成员通过后产生。
3.2 The president unit and vice-president unit of the board are recommended by the council members and are elected by more than 2/3 of the standing council members.
Article 4: Secretariat
4.1 The alliance will set up a secretariat, which would be responsible for the daily service and liaison work of the alliance.
4.2 The Secretariat of the alliance is located at the Xi'an Physical Education university,which is responsible for financing and its running costs.
Article 5:Special observers
5.1 Experts, scholars, coaches and athletes of high social standing who have made outstanding contributions to international cooperation in higher physical education may be recruited as special observers for the development of the alliance.
5.2 Special observers are invited by the alliance to attend meetings of the Union, but do not have the right to vote.